Brand Audit: How to Carry Out a Brand Audit

Brand Audit

By Marisa Hochberg :

A brand audit is a check of your brand’s performance. It can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities for growth. You cannot carry out a brand audit in isolation – it needs to be integrated into your overall brand strategy. Checklist of brand audits:

What do you want to achieve with a brand audit?

When you conduct a brand audit, you are trying to answer the following questions: – What is the current state of your brand? What are the strengths and weaknesses? How strong is your brand in its current state? – If you want your brand to grow, what should happen? What could happen? How could it happen? What actions should your brand take to become stronger? – If you want to change the way your brand is perceived, you need to first understand the way it is currently perceived. Once you have this information, you can use it to inform your strategy.

Define your Audience

Your audience is a core part of all brand audits. It will help you define the current state of your brand, as well as what the desired state of your brand should be. To understand your audience, you need to conduct competitor research. You can find this information on Amazon, eBay and other online marketplaces. You can also conduct your own online digging or digging in books and archives.

Conduct Competitor Research

You can find competitor research on Amazon, eBay and other online marketplaces. You can also conduct your own online digging or digging in books and archives.

Identify Brand Strengths

Next, you need to identify your brand’s strengths. This will help you identify opportunities for growth. To find your strengths, you can use competitor research, as well as the findings from your brand audit. For example, if you found that your brand’s weakness is price, you can use that information to inform your strategy. You can also use your brand audit findings to inform your strategy.

Ask Yourself: “What Would Help My Brand Grow?”

Now you are ready to ask yourself what would help your brand grow. The key to this is to ask yourself questions that will help you identify opportunities for growth. – What would help your brand grow? – For example, if your brand is currently weak in distribution, what would help your brand grow? – What would help your brand grow? – For example, if your brand is weak in terms of quality, what would help your brand grow?


A brand audit is a check of your brand’s performance. It can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities for growth. You cannot carry out a brand audit in isolation – it needs to be integrated into your overall brand strategy. When you conduct a brand audit, you are trying to answer the following questions: – What is the current state of your brand? What are the strengths and weaknesses? How strong is your brand in its current state? – If you want your brand to grow, what should happen? What could happen? How could it happen? What actions should your brand take to become stronger? – If you want to change the way your brand is perceived, you need to first understand the way it is currently perceived. Once you have this information, you can use it to inform your strategy.